To make sure we have more space, please be aware that on SUNDAY the following program items scheduled for room 206 have been MOVED to HALL 3:
- 10–11 A Song of Ice and Fire: Same Novel, Multiple Languages
Cristina Macia, Satu Hlinovsky, Shaoyan Hu, Sini Neuvonen (M) - 11–12 Bullets in Space
J.L. Doty - 12–13 Beyond Dependence: The Future Evolution of Space Settlements
Gillian Clinton, G. David Nordley (M), William Ledbetter, publius, Eric Choi - 13–14 Designing Life
Laurel Anne Hill (M), Sam Scheiner, Carl, Ann Tonsor Zeddies - 14–15 Best YA of 2010s
Anna Jackson, Katie (M), Elina Pitkäkangas - 15–16 WorldCon: Who We Are and Who We Think We Might Be
Jennifer Zwahr-Castro (M) - 16–17 The Power of the Reviewer: Promoting and Hiding Diverse Voices
Greg Hullender (M), Cheryl Morgan, Emma Humphries, Elizabeth Hand, Erin Roberts